A Via de Cristo weekend retreat is a three day course to review Christian fundamentals, discuss ways to live them actively, and learn some practical tools to keep them vital.
The heart and essence of a Via de Cristo retreat is to bring Christians to a full awareness of what is meant by living a life of Grace, adding new strength and vitality to your Christianity.
The Via de Cristo weekend begins on Thursday night and ends the following Sunday night. During the three days, those attending live and study together. Each day there is prayer, worship, communion, and singing. All for the purpose of gaining a deeper awareness of one’s faith and the response that comes from such awareness.
The purpose of the Via De Cristo is to develop in Christians a consciousness of their Power and Mission to become leaders in Christian renewal, and the desire to continue to live the life of Grace, personally and together with their brothers and sisters in Christ.
All activities during a Via de Cristo weekend, including talks and meditations, are surrounded in prayer and total dependence on God.
Please keep an open heart and mind as you prayerfully consider attending a Via de Cristo weekend retreat. Many participants return from a Via de Cristo weekend with the desire to share that experience with others. Each person’s experience attending a Via de Cristo weekend is unique. Your Via de Cristo weekend will be a gift from God, for you alone.