What if every time you shopped or searched online a percentage of the sale went to Inky VDC?
Welcome to GoodShop! More than 100 great stores including Target, Macy’s, The Gap, Best Buy, Nordstrom, PetSmart, Staples and Wal-Mart have teamed up with GoodSearch to do just that.
The next time you’re looking for a new book, computer, DVD, pair of shoes or clothing, go to GoodShop first.
It’s simple. No username or password is required. Just designate your favorite charity or school, click on the store’s logo from the GoodShop site and then shop as you normally would.
You’ll get the same great prices, but every time you place an order, you’ll be supporting your favorite cause with donations that average around 3% of the sale but can exceed 20%!
Needless to say, we’re really excited to offer you this new service and we hope you’ll help spread the word!