

Area Code MapArea Coordinators

provide both existing VDC communities and other interested communities various Via de Cristo informational materials; help coordinate church speaking visits with Pastors and lay people who wish to learn more about the Via de Cristo movement; and assist in coordinating Secretariat and VDC efforts with Team meetings, Ultreya’s and other duties as directed by the Secretariat.

We need help from someone in each of our Via de Cristo Communities to be a Church Coordinator, someone to simply communicate Via de Cristo concerns and more importantly, local congregational concerns. Is God calling you? If so, let us know!




Steve Stewart
Communications Chair
[email protected]


REUNION GROUPS (not an option)
Are you in an active Reunion Group?
•Do you know someone who needs to be encouraged to join a Reunion Group?
•Can you help someone find or start a Reunion Group?
Need help from your Coordinator?Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7

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