A Word from the NLS President
Annual Meeting Summary
Wendy Showalter called the meeting to order at 7:50 PM CT, Thursday, July 22, 2021. Delegates were seated and a quorum was established – 67 Delegates verified attending the meeting out of 89 Delegates. 75% of the delegates attended the session. 50% is needed for a quorum.
Opening prayer was led by Pastor Sue Beall.
The floor was opened for nominations from the floor for Secretary, Vice President of Outreach, Vice President of Administration, and President. There were no floor nominations. Nominations were closed. The meeting was recessed until Saturday, July 24th.
Wendy reconvened the meeting at 1:30 PM CT. Pasto Sue Beall led us in prayer. Wendy introduced the Executive Committee, Appointed Committee Chairs, and Regional Coordinators. Please see the binder for all the reports. Wendy also recognized that there are past leadership in attendance today and thanked them
The agenda was approved, and the following leadership was elected:
- Kim Brownlow – Secretary
- Karen Weires – Vice President for Outreach
- Jane Winge – Vice President for Administration for a one-year term by acclamation
- John Aclin – President
NLS Executive Committee presented a Five-Year Plan update and the financial update was presented and the 2022 Budget was approved. The 2022 Annual Gathering will be held at Texas Lutheran University in Seguin, Texas on July 21-24, 2022. After comments from the outgoing NLS Secretary the meeting as was adjourned.
For a complete list of events, please refer to the minutes posted on the NLS website: www.viadecristo.org.
Keynote Speaker – Rev. Carl Billings
- What is good and noble in your life and in Via De Cristo?
- From whom can you learn and mentor?
- Where do you see God’s HS working