To Sponsor

You must have attended a weekend before you can sponsor someone If you wish you may download a Sponsor Registration then print and send. Please make sure you read the first page of the application. It contains important information outlining your re-SPONSOR-bilities? On-line form submission is preferred. OR, fill out the following Sponsor application! You can pay for your pilgrim by pressing the Donate button to the right (Make sure you say who the pilgrim is in the notes)
Make sure you see that it was successful in green at the bottom of the form after you press submit.
A Sample Palanca request letter Click here


    Pilgrim Name (required)
    Pilgrim email (required)
    Weekend to Attend (required)


    Sponsor Name (required)
    Weekend Attended (required)
    Address (required)
    City (required)
    State (required)
    Zip (required)
    email (required)
    Cell Phone (required)
    Other Phone
    Church Name and City (required)
    How long known Pilgrim?
    Why are you sponsoring this pilgrim for Via de Cristo?

    Sponsoring a Pilgrim is both a joy and a responsibility. Remember – Via de Cristo is not structured to solve a pilgrim’s deep-seated personal problems. It is designed to provide to those attending a deeper understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Select your Pilgrims with this structure in mind.

    Please answer the following questions. Thanks!

    YesNo Are you now in a Reunion Group or equivalent?
    YesNo Do you receive the InKy VdC email blast?
    YesNo Have you served as a Sponsor before?
    YesNo Are you willing to pray and sacrifice for your Pilgrim?
    YesNo Will you care for the special needs of your Pilgrim’s family during the weekend?
    YesNo Will you attend your Pilgrim’s send-off, serenade and closing?
    YesNo Have you explained Reunion Group to your Pilgrim?
    YesNo Will you obtain spouse, family and personal palanca letters for your Pilgrim?
    YesNo Do you understand the responsibility in assisting your Pilgrim in finding a Reunion Group?
    YesNo Will you accompany your Pilgrim to his/her first Ultreya?
    YesNo Is your Pilgrim aware that except in an emergency, there will be no contact with their family during the weekend?
    YesNo Have you discussed the $100 cost of the Via de Cristo weekend with your Pilgrim?

    Who will take pilgrim to send off if not the sponsor:

    Cell Phone:

    Who will take the pilgrim home if not the sponsor:

    Cell Phone:

    The $100 weekend fee may be paid at check-in Thursday evening at camp or any time prior to that.
    InKy VdC Scholarships are available if the cost of the weekend would prevent anyone from attending.

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