To Renew

On-line application is preferred. If you wish you may download an application then print and send. Since you have already attended a VDC weekend, make sure you check the box in the upper right hand corner indicating you would like a ‘Renewal Weekend’.

OR, fill out the following application (make sure you select ‘Renewal’ on the form)

Make sure you see that it was successful in green at the bottom of the form after you press submit.

    Your Name (required)
    Address (required)
    City (required)
    State (required)
    Zip (required)
    email (required)
    phone (required)
    Primary Contact
    Marital Status (required)
    Partner’s Name
    Partner’s Phone
    Number of Children

    Family Member other than Spouse to contact in case of Emergency:

    Name (required)
    Phone (required)

    Your Background

    Date of Birth
    Church Name
    Pastor/Priest/Minister’s Name
    Church Address
    Church City
    Church State
    Church Zip

    Weekend You Wish To Attend?

    Weekend Type MenWomenCoed
    Sponsor’s Name (required) If you don’t have a sponsor, enter ‘I Need One’.

    Sponsor’s Phone
    Sponsor’s email
    Name to be used on name tag

    Medical Questions

    Do you have any special dietary requirements?
    What kind of dietary requirements?
    DiabeticVegetarianLow SaltGluten FreeOther:
    Do you require medications at specific times each day?
    Do you have any health or physical restrictions that require special equipment or facilities?

    If you answered “YES” to the above medical questions, Please give us some details so that we may assist you on YOUR weekend. If you want someone to call you regarding special needs, please let us know.

    Cost should never be an obstacle for attending a weekend. Please reach out to your sponsor or the secretariat should you wish to attend a weekend, as many sponsors or churches pay it forward to provide scholarships for people to attend a weekend. Whatever your situation, please don’t let cost be the reason to not attend a weekend!

    The cost to put on a weekend works out to be $100 per person. This amount covers the entire weekend: transportation to and from the retreat site, all meals and snacks, supplies, and accommodations. All expenses for the weekend are covered. There isn’t a need to bring any extra money on the weekend. The $100 is usually collected at check-in. Should you wish to pay it forward, you can donate through the website or send a check to the treasurer.

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