To Serve

This is only for those who have experienced a weekend. If you haven’t, you’re on the wrong page. You need to apply at here.

On-line application submission is preferred. Please fill out the form below. OR, if you wish you may download an application then print and send to…

INKY VdC Leaders Chair
PO Box 236
Wabash, IN 46992

When submitting your application on-line: Make sure you see that it was successful in green at the bottom of the form after you press submit.

    Your Name (required):
    Address (required):
    City (required):
    State (required):
    Zip (required):
    Weekend Attended (required):
    email (required):
    phone (required):

    Previous Team Experience

    Enter Team Designations for positions you’ve held (example M35 – Mens Team 35)
    Head Cha:
    Music Cha:
    Head Kitchen Cha:
    Asst Kitchen Cha:
    Kitchen Cha:
    Spiritual Director:
    Special Cha:
    Rollo Room Cha:
    Asst Rollo Room Cha:
    Table Cha:
    Head Chapel Cha:
    Asst Chapel Cha:
    Silent Professor:
    Palanca Cha:
    Fourth Day Speaker:

    If experienced as a PROFESSOR, please indicate the rollos given

    Enter Team Designations for positions you’ve held (example M35 – Mens Team 35)
    Apostolic Action:
    Christian Community In Action:

    Do you have any physical restrictions or issues that affect your ability to serve in any team position? We need this information to work with you.
    Please explain:
    Currently participating in REUNION GROUP? YesNo
    Can you play: GuitarKeyboardOrgan
    Would you like to be considered as a Music Cha? YesNo
    As a Music Cha would you be interested in: TeamSerenadeClosing
    Please consider my application for:
    Date : Location:

    The cost per team member to serve is $100. If you are called to serve and are unable to pay, please talk with the weekend’s Rector or Head Cha. Scholarships are available.

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