VDC and Clergy?

Message from Doug Givan, Spiritual Director

My name is Doug Givan, and I currently Pastor a shared ministry between two churches on the west side of Indianapolis. I also serve as Spiritual Director of the Indiana/Kentucky Secretariat (like a church council or board of directors). My personal call story comes out of my attending a Via de Cristo weekend in fall of 1995. Everyone who attends has a different experience, but for me listening to talks on the Christian life, fellowship and worship together touched my heart in Christ.

As you explore this ministry on our website, you’ll find the standard things about working together in small groups, worship, fellowship and great food. But there is so much more, because attending one of our 3 day weekends is like a get-away, a retreat. When you come out of everyday life and enter into a Christian “camp-like” retreat the Spirit moves!

For clergy, the great thing I say is that you can come and attend and drink deep from the well of Jesus, and NOT BE IN CHARGE!! One time I attended a conference and there was a banner up front on the stage that said: “Relax, you are not in charge!”

It was a relief then and I hope some type of freedom or release comes to you as you prayerfully decide to attend.

Our Secretariat will pay the supply fee for your pulpit at your congregation. Once we connect you with a sponsor the details are taken care of. It’s casual clothes, you bring your own bedding and personal items, and the “team” who puts the weekend on will handle all the rest.

I urge you to come and make your weekend. Bring an open heart and prepare for a nice 3 days away from parish ministry. After you attend a weekend, if you feel called, it will be my delight to assign you to another weekend down the road for you to serve on a team!

God bless you,

Pastor Doug Givan
Email: [email protected]

National Via de Cristo
Our local Indiana and Kentucky Via de Cristo is one Secretariat among over 50 internationally! Every year in late July representatives from each Secretariat meet for our National Gathering held in different locations.

Please visit our National website at www.viadecristo.org for more information on our international ministry.

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