We will be posting Secreatariat news here. Please check back and see what’s new!
Ultreya Elections
Greetings Siblings in Christ,
You are in my prayers, specifically the hope that you are weathering the winds of time with grace and peace.
On behalf of Secretariat, we are looking forward to seeing you at our November 20th virtual Ultreya and business meeting.
We will be having elections for the positions of Palanca, Communications, and Treasurer. Please contact me if you feel called to serve in one of these positions. As it turns out, Secretariat can be a fun and inspiring group to work with and hang out with…who knew?
Please take this opportunity to send questions you would like discussed or answered to me or another Secretariat member. Individual emails are at https://inkyvdc.org/secretariat/ or you can send it to the group at [email protected].
Looking forward to hearing from you…the more the merrier.
God’s Peace,
Karen Minnis
[email protected]
I thank my God upon every remembrance of you. (Phil 1:3)
Upcoming Weekends Postponed
Greetings Siblings in Christ,
You continue to be raised in prayer during these interesting, confusing, and somewhat difficult times.
We all know news travels fast. Still, it seems appropriate to offer an official announcement and explanation. An emergency Secretariat meeting was held on the past Monday evening. (Thanks to the Secretariat members for their willingness to disrupt their holiday.) The purpose of the meeting was to review and consider a recommendation from the Fall Planning Committee. (Recommendation can be found at Covid Planning Guide) After review and discussion Secretariat voted unanimously to adopt the recommendation and postpone the three fall weekends.
Please feel free to contact any of us if you have questions, concerns, or encouragements.
Thank you to our fall Rectors and teams for their understanding and support. Thank you to the Fall Planning Committee for their diligence. Thank you to Secretariat members for assuming this difficult responsibility. This has not been easy for any who are involved. What we do know for certain is that God the Father holds us in the palm of His hand and Jesus our Brother walks beside us and we depend on the Holy Spirit to guide us.
God’s Peace,
Karen Minnis
Lay Director