Summer Ultreya - 2022
The Summer 2022 Ultreya was held In-Person at St. Andrews Lutheran Church, 6118 Crawfordsville Rd, Speedway, IN 46224
Our meeting included updates from the Secretariat members who were present, the announcement that we’ll be hosting the 2023 Annual Gathering, and comments by our recent Co-Ed Rector Amy Watkins.
Worship music was led by Chris Willman, Denise and Mark Hollman; Fall Rectors (Jennifer Hinton and Doug Mueller) were blessed and prayed for; communion was shared; and Pr. Doug Givan gave a message on Isaiah 43:1-4 where he replaced the word “you” with “the Via De Cristo”. Try it for yourself! Amanda Hunter ran tech and has supplied this link to the recorded service.
Dinner was a Potluck/Pitch-in style with wonderful pork tacos, meat balls, sandwiches, salads, and desserts.
Fall Ultreya - 2021
Zoom Ultreya
This will include a small business meeting
Sunday 11/20/2021 @ 2pm
Summer Ultreya - 2021
The first In-Person Ultreya in 2021!
When: Saturday July 17, 2021 – 2pm to 4pm…
Where: King of Glory (KOG), 201 E 106th St, Carmel, IN 46032
Fellowship was outside in the KOG front porch. (Most of the time we were outside.)
Service inside
What to Brought:
- Ourselves – Around 35
- Lawn Chairs
- Due to COVID, snacks and drinks will be provided.
COVID requirements:
- KOG Mask Guideline follows the CDC Guideline.
- Currently at KOG, if you are fully vaccinated, you don’t need to wear a mask.
- If you are not fully vaccinated, KOG requires that you wear a mask indoors.
- In the Sanctuary, keep a couple of seats between you and the next ‘pod’ of VDC folks.
- Follow instructions for ‘Passing the Peace’
Spring Ultreya - 2021
Virtual Ultrey – via ZOOM
May 16, 2021 @ 2pm.
Unfortunately, due to an unseen problem, the first portion of the meeting was not recorded. However, a short synopsis reveals Linda Karlin welcomed everyone. Jennifer Hinton talked about sponsorship.