Register Reunion Group

    When do you meet? (required)
    A brief summary when you meet. example: every Saturday morning from 7:30am to 9:am

    Location? (required)
    What is the location that you meet? Church, The Corner Coffee Shop, Denny's

    Address? (required)
    The address of the location

    City? (required)
    The city where the reunion group meets. Please include which part of the city if applicable.

    State? (required)
    The state where the reunion group is located

    Zip? (required)
    The zipcode where the reunion group is located

    Please list the current members

    Point of Contact (POC)? (required)
    The person we can contact to facilitate having a new member join.

    Phone (POC)? (required)
    The phone number of the Point of Contact

    Email (POC) (required)
    The email address of the Point of Contact

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