Looking for a Reunion Group

    Yes, I am interested in joining and regularly attending a reunion group!

    Please help us assist you in finding an existing or new group by answering the following questions

    Your Name (required):

    Your Email (required):

    Who was your Sponsor?

    Your sponsor's email address

    When and where did you attend Via de Cristo? (or a different movement)?

    Have you viewed our reunion groups in Indiana or Kentucky and if so, which one?
    (If none caught interest - please continue entering none-the-less.)

    Would you like to be added to a male, female or mixed group? MaleFemaleMixed Group

    What are the best days and times for you to set aside an hour to attend a reunion group?
    Give as many options as possible please.

    What is the best geographical location for you to meet (city & area of city)

    Is there anything else to know in order to best meet your needs?

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